Covers Another Milestone | DDK lists on CoinMarketCap
We are proud to announce that DDKOIN has eventually listed on CoinMarketCap (CMC) covering another milestone. The cryptocurrency data provider gives data about existing cryptocurrencies listed on exchanges that comply with it. In this way, CMC takes a pledge of transparency to another level. It provides users with clear and concise guidelines to cryptocurrency holders and platform users about qualifying projects listed on it.
On CoinMarketCap, you can check DDK performance stats from 1 day to week, three months, and up to years. It also enables you to check DDK current price in volume, USD, ROI, supply, and much more. By seeing this information, you can evaluate the prospective trend on DDKOIN. It also shows DDKOIN markets, paired cryptos, and exchanges.
CMC lists round about 2300 cryptocurrencies in it showing their full data chart, trends, highs/lows and much more. It gives real-time trade information, volume, and pricing. Here, you can easily compare crypto prices either with USD, BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, and BCH. The 24 hours change and price graph also makes evaluation easier informing traders and investors where to invest and what to sell.
Get on CoinMarketCap now to explore real-time information about DDK. DDK is a democratic community-based platform that empowers its community to explore massive economic opportunities. It works on blockchain solutions with the infusion of Delegated Proof of Stake DPoS mechanism for higher transparency and speed. You can trade DDKOIN on SIMEX and DOBI and can buy it for an investment purpose following its growth potential.