Dear Trusted Delegates & Stakeholders,
In relation to the last official announcement that have been posted for public mentioning about the process of SOFT-FORK,: “After BETA TEST progress is done, the data need to be kept in one place before the final migration happen. MasterNode need to be turn off which this SOFT FORK process will cause MasterNode to be inaccessible for approximately 48–72 hours. MasterNode will be unavailable after that and all network will be on Multiple Nodes” — . Therefore, we would like to update the process and progress starting from the MULTIPLE NODES regression test on few days ago.
As we can see, Multiple Nodes progress into Test-Net has been done and we are planning to utilized 8 AWS servers as below details in becoming the 1st Multiple Nodes Delegates registered during the BETA Testing Period. Thus, there will be 8 original servers of Delegates will be installed and registered name as below details:
By Country Name which assignee of the server monitoring choose by DDK Management from Trusted Delegates (TD):
1. DDK_Brunei
2. DDK_Indonesia
3. DDK_Japan
4. DDK_Thailand
By Group Name (with Big community) established within DDK Stakeholders, which assignee of the server monitoring choose by their group leadership and structure from Trusted Delegates (TD):
3. GFAlliance
4. Universal_UFO
As a result from these decision and opportunity to established 8 Multiple Nodes together with another 3 Delegates registered as TDAlliance1, TDAlliance2 & TDAlliance3 previously, will be synchronize into Multiplenodes migration to Main-Net DDK Platform. Thus, please support these Delegates registered and installed into Multiplenodes for your validation of Staking Rewards distribution. This process will be completed a full cycle of DPOS when Delegates is able to distribute and validate your transaction of 4th voting in DDK DPOS Platform. This 1st batch Delegates in Multiplenodes will run through about one (1) month BETA Testing period before we open for the Trusted Delegates registration in year 2019. This is the efforts in order to ensure the stability of the Main-Net with
Multiplenodes that will be done first time in DDK Platform in the entire history.
Currently, DDK Developers are progressing doing as many regression testing from Masternodes to Multiplenodes as much as they can. Below are the process and progress that DDK Developers will do until zero bugs is founded before fully migrated Multiplenodes into Main-Net:
1. Ensure zero bugs migration into Multiplenodes from Masternodes before actual migration to Main-Net.
2. Bugs founded in Test-Net must be rectified 1st before migrated into Main-Net.
3. AWS servers that we planned to installed into Main-Net must be ensure the efficiency and capacity.
4. On-going testing for other TDs servers in order to ensure when Multiplenodes ready in Main-Net, every TDs servers ready to be synced and capable according to the Multiplenodes compatibility.
5. Must always ‘check and balance’ of the process within 8 AWS servers and TD servers in Multiplenodes when you add more delegates in future as we are looking at more delegates will enter into the platform.
6. Thorough regression testing before releasing actual Multiplenodes in Main-Net.
We hope that entire Stakeholders always be patient at the very last and final stage that we are going to release Multiple nodes in Main-Net very soon. We do not want to make the same unnoticed situations that happen during releasing the Masternode without KAFKA Implementations when LISK unable to cater the huge transactions and data distribution that we have from more than 200,000 Stakeholders as per current statistics. From that experience that we had, if you remembered that we must unable and stop the platform about a week after releasing the Masternode for upgrading. Thus, we have taken that situations as a lesson in order to ensure smooth launching of Multiplenodes in Main-Net. Therefore, we must do few testing before we go into SOFT-FORK process. These few days is only the days we working so hard to ‘zerorize’ the bugs and smoothly migrated the database from Masternodes in Test-net into Multiplenodes in Test-Net. And then, we are going to migrate the entire databased into Multiplenodes from Test-Net to Main-Net. From there, there will be a SOFT-FORK in progress in order to Synchronize every database smoothly for the 8 AWS servers registered to maximize their capabilities and efficiency towards Staking Rewards distribution and other rewards transaction validations.
We really hope during this weekend will be an extra working hours for entire DDK Management for monitoring developers and DDK Developers will be working hard in order to ensure that we could released and launch our DDK Platform Multiplenodes in Main-Net by early next week officially for entire Stakeholders to received their rewards. Any other updates, we will take full responsibilities to update every Stakeholders daily starting from today on official announcement posted in DDK Blog — for the most final and waited progress until we officially launched. Daily updates on the progress and status of the solutions that we reached will be shared to all of our Stakeholders in our DDK Blog. Stay tune and always keep yourself posted!
Thank you on your patient to ensure that we are together moving towards DDK community financial solutions which ultimately our platform must go into 100% decentralization and Open Source project. Thus, the goal to listing into Coin Market Capped will be smooth, once we have all unity from the Stakeholders of more than 10 countries support towards this final phase.
Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
Have a Good Day!
Project CEO
Shuhada Zainal
-DDK Management-