DDK to Launch Multiple Updates to Revolutionize Blockchain and Crypto World
Hello DDK Community, we are pleased to announce our upcoming updates that will take DDK to other heights. The updates cover all segments to enhance DDK performance and will be in ultimate favor of our community.
So, wear your seat belts to embrace these striking additions.
Have you ever faced blunders or misconducts, or at least felt so, happening across our platform? Or do you have reservations over DDK activities? If it so, or afraid for the future, worry not. Following its recent Mainnet Explorer version that enables tracing any address and transaction occurring at the platform to create a truly decentralized world, DDK is now going to introduce its feedback feature. It will allow users to give their positive and negative testimonies against good and bad actors on any address in explorer. So, no more chance of letting go of any misconduct or an exceptional id.
While talking about comments, feedback, and community power, how can we dare to miss the community discussion on a dedicated platform? The upcoming week, most probably, we are going to resume DDK forum activities to show the crypto world the united power of our community. Earlier, our community has been efficiently utilizing the platform; however, later, we ran it down due to technical issues. As we are going to launch back it soon, we appreciate your efforts participating in Facebook activities that worked well. However, we have found that it did not prove professional enough to propel the project to another level that a dedicated forum can yield. So, we encourage all community members’ participation in the DDK forum from the upcoming week.
Let’s talk about DDKOIN listing and exchangers.
DDK community, as you already know our target to get listed on CMC, we proudly mention that we have successfully crossed $100k daily transaction, the goal to enlist in Coin Market Cap that also requires to be present on two exchanges. Being already listed on SIMEX using PHP, we are just waiting for DDK ESKA and DOBI developers to complete their working on customized DDK node Devkit/SDK for DOBI registration. After settlement with DOBI using Java, we will start working on Node integration with COINTIGER that means before being listed on CMC we will be authorized with three exchangers.
Our working on updates does not finish here, but we are also in continuous efforts to offer you an excellent platform that ensures speed and value. Exactly, we are going to launch AEPOS 2.0 before the end of 2019. The update will stand DDK among top 5 speediest transaction platforms moreover, its every block will contain 1000 TRX. As AEPOS 2.0 is CUSTOM DAI, you will also be able to create your own coin. It will also hold stable currency such as Dollar, SGD, THBD, Euro, Dinar, etc. It is important to note that for the successful implementation/creation of the idea of stable coin and its listing on exchange it must BURN 1:1 with current value of FIAT/DDK (Living inside DDK network for transaction).
Isn’t it cool? And what do you think about DVM (DDK Virtual Machine) that DDK is about to launch soon? Just as Etherum have constructed and EOS is planning, DDK also looks forward to creating DVM for DAI smart contract for which we already have a solid base. And, as you know the fact from a small store to large enterprises, every company will create its own token to build its value, DDK is also working to provide them a modernized and reliable solution. By keeping it into consideration, DDK’s advanced design suits for micropayment system. For this, we have kept our merchant fees constant and as low as 0.01% on any amount. It is equally beneficial from paying and receiving a pie bill to bulk.