DDKoin Official
6 min readDec 10, 2018


DDK Trusted Delegates Symposium 2018

DDK Trusted Delegates Symposium was held on 24th November 2018 at PSB Academy, Singapore. This event attracted more than 300 attendees from Trusted Delegates & Sub Delegates with comprises more than 10 countries involved. Among the highlighted agenda programs are:

Future Business Pitching Competition

This pitching competition is created for only Trusted Delegates where this competition provides the opportunity for all Trusted Delegates to share their ideas and future planning to further develop their business with DDK Management. Only 5 groups from 5 countries (Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam & Singapore) have qualified for the finals where Malaysia has won this competition. List of participants:

  1. Malaysia (Champion)
  2. Prof Datin Zahurin Mohamed (TD053_DZaiMohamed)
  3. Maimon Mahmod (TD012_MoonDelegate)
  4. Hamisah Binti Awang (TD025_HamisahIBSgor)
  5. Hanafiah Mahaffar (TD024_AlalaaDelegate)
  6. Munisamy Silvarajoo (TD077_Rajoo)
  7. Japan
  8. Tsuyoshi Kanazawa (TD035_jon3603)
  9. Masayuki Watanabe (TD086_JapanTaiwanTD)
  10. Yoshinori Ikegami (TD089_noriyoshi)
  11. Miyazono Teruyuki (TD088_TERU5688)
  12. Hiromi Takeda (TD087_hiro3)
  13. Vietnam
  14. Le Kim Tuyen (TD058_Dinardirhamvietnam)
  15. Tran Anh Tung TD068_Anhtunghp
  16. Nguyen Huu Thang Y (TD091_anhtuan8191)
  17. Le Viet Dung (TD092_Le Viet Dung)
  18. Nguyen Tien Dat (TD093_DDKGLOBAL)
  19. Singapore
  20. Relawati Abdul Malik (TD003_SGDELEGATE)
  21. Mohammed Hafiz Bin Akhirrudin (TD090_KomengTech)
  22. Indonesia
  23. Suryadi Mustamin (TD045_CREV_AMANAH)
  24. Muhamadon (TD016_CREV_MAKASSAR)

Trusted Delegates Award

In this event the Trusted Delegates have been awarded excellence in their respective fields. Among the list of award recipients are as follows:

The “Best Education & Training” award

  1. Faizul Azwan Ismail (TD005_faizulfeg)
  2. Zainal Abidin Bin Mansor (TD043_cryptoanalytic)
  3. Mohd Zulhisham Bin Musleh (TD075_shammusleh)
  4. Sharifah Noorasikin Bt Syed Zainal Abiden (TD015_myglobalcrypto)
  5. Jusszuraini Bin Hashim (TD076_JUSSZ_FEG)
  6. Maimon Mahmod (TD012_MoonDelegate)

The “Product Innovator” award

  1. Mhd Razali Raona (TD050_CREV_REVOLUTION)

The “Informative Influencer” award

  1. David Yeo Kim Seng (TD047_DaveYeo)

The “Academic Collaborator” award

  1. Suryadi Mustamin (TD045_CREV_AMANAH)
  2. Muhamadon (TD016_CREV_MAKASSAR)

The “Leadership Influencer” award

  1. Le Kim Tuyen (TD058_Dinardirhamvietnam)

Developer Presentation

This event has also brought Developers who have worked hard to make this DDK Project successful. Their purpose is to let the Developers present the latest information on the progress about DDK Project, BCMY Project & DNC Project. The meet-up between Developers and Trusted Delegates for the first time has been used well because all attendees are been given the opportunity to ask questions to Developers. While the Developers also took the opportunity to present their work and give updates to all attendees.

Nuspay Presentation

Nuspay from Bangladesh presented about BCMY Wallet updates and the presentation done by Mr Santanu Sengupta (Principle Advisor). During the presentation, he explained about current progress in BCMY Wallet project which the topic included crypto and fiat solution for (Merchants), fund transfer process, & BCMY benefits based on AI adoptions. In addition, future ongoing project in BCMY also being explained like multi-wallet & multi-card, card systems (QR & facepay), customer on-boarding & merchant acquisition, integration with Visa & Mastercard, & crypto currency payment gateway.

SK Consulting Presentation

SK Consulting from Ukraine represented by Mr Ivan Skrypka (CEO), Mr Alexandr Konoval (General Director) & Mr Dmytro Mehed (Tehnical Lead) talking about Multiple Nodes, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) & DAI in DDK Project. In the presentation, SK Consulting Team shared about DDK Platform development such as referral where they will save the Introducer information on each node & store it in DB. Besides that, they also presented the technical features, transaction mechanism, reward implementation, transaction lifecycle & interchained in DDK Platform. The most attractive topic which is integration with others platform by using RPC & API from DDK Platform.

Oodles Technologies Presentation

Oodles Technologies from India talk about the results of Master Nodes & KAFKA Implementation and being presented by Mr Navin Purohit (Senior Associate Consultant Development). In the presentation, Oodles deeply explained about DDK Platform which included token distribution, DDK security, forge, delegate, voting & staking, and reward incentives. Oodles team took the opportunity to explained the differences DDK Project compared to other blockchain project (use consensus protocol — DpoS, use BIP39 for generating passphrase, more secure by SHA — 256 hashing technique, use the world most popular hashing language — Javascript, and can stake their own token and get monthly reward). There are few challenges faced during the process and they explained the solutions taken to overcome the problem. In addition, DDK Project future plan also being explained during the event, with this shared knowledge DDK Stakeholders are aware where DDK Project are going next.

Chakravuyha Software Technologies Presentation

Chakravuyha Software Technologies from India presented on DNC Exchanger project that they’re working on and Mr Annaready Sri Saiteja (Founder and CEO) took the responsibility to share the updates. During the presentation, Mr Annaready Sri Saiteja explained about DNC Crypto Asset Exchange Platform where the platform has various security of the exchange because the bucket of crypto assets yet to be commented and addressed by many tech experts. Hence, Chakravuyha Software Technologies have developed 8 ways to ensure DNC Platform is secured. In addition, DNC Platform having 9 great features such as robust & easy Ul, market graph, buy & sell, trade history, my orders, market depth, coin data, 24/7 support & limited pairing.

Bcoin.Sg Presentation

Mr Zacchaeus Tow (Director, Business Development) representing Bcoin.Sg done a presentation about World’s First Fiat-Crypto Exchange with An Integrated Digital Payment Solution. In his presentation he highlighted few important topics like opportunity, rapid adoption & resilience is intriguing in blockchain & crypto world. Their international alliance and partnership have blown us away, which their international collaboration has included countries like Malaysia, Seoul, Tokyo, London, New York, Beijing, Chengdu & Hong Kong. Before Symposium DDK Management’s arrive in Singapore and went to Bcoin.Sg Office to sign MOU between DDK Management and Bcoin.Sg. Furthermore, Bcoin.sg also giving the opportunity of their facilities to be use as event space and education for anyone to know more about Bcoin.Sg and how to use their product.

Bernama News Channel has made a coverage for this event, you can watch it here

In conclusion, heartfelt thank you for DDK Management for your extensive and beneficial work that you have devoted to ensuring DDK Trusted Delegates Symposium run smoothly. Thank you to Trusted Delegates & Sub Delegates for finding the opportunity to come to Singapore, and choosing this as the place to gain the latest update about DDK Project directly from Developers who work so hard in this project.

“Great things happen to those who don’t stop believing, trying, learning, and being grateful.”



DDKoin Official
DDKoin Official

Written by DDKoin Official

DDK DPOS with ready decentralized autonomous community provide you the ease of financial services including exchange and rewards in Blockchain. www.ddkoin.com

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