22/01/2019 — (Malaysia Time: 11:00 pm / Ukraine Time: 5:00 pm)

DDKoin Official
3 min readJan 23, 2019


Dear Trusted Delegates & Beloved Stakeholders DDK DPOS,

Please note that since last night we are on standby with few TD Beta Testers to monitor and keep on giving timely updates to Developers on the testing activities that we have done (Main-net environment). As at today 22nd Jan 2019 7:00 AM (Singapore Time) — 12:AM (Ukraine Time) developers are continuously doing their testing activities as well & we also have started to do our internal testing once again using below IPs link, but this time on Test-Net environment: This is the last version of code deployed on preproduction (Test-net):





Below are the results from the testing done from the developers side and Internal Management team and TD Beta Testers:

1. DDK Frozen and DDK in Wallet appeared consistencies in database

2. DDK in the Wallet appeared constant balance

3. “My Votes” status in Delegates MENU tab fixed as per current voted Delegates list

4. Voting Transaction success

5. 4th vote appeared in DASHBOARD (with UI 4th vote Icon)

6. Staking Rewards distribution successful

7. Main-Net Multiplenodes Explorer Done —

8. DDK Blockchain Heights synchronized — Done in Main-net

9. DDK Stake Database — Done in Main-Net

10. Referral List for Chain Referral — Ongoing fixing task

Thus, from the above-mentioned testing results in Test-Net, we have decided to proceed with deployment of MainNet on 22nd January 2019 & most of the task has been completed by the DDK Developers — We just released after we done TESTING on MULTIPLE NODE and also Done BUG FIXING TASK, as well as the latest DEVELOPMENT, upgraded. Therefore, currently, DDK GitHub shown there is no current issues to be fixed and there will be another 5 “Pull Request in DDK GitHub that DDK Developers working on right now to finalized the current progress. —

Thus, we are NOW setting up a new server structure (upgraded version) and prepare to launch on our 3rd trial of Multiplenodes Main-net with the same Sub-Domain Link provided to Trusted Delegates (TDs) — (1st trial was on 29th December 2018 & 2nd was on 9th January 2019). In order to set the new server structure when “Elasticsearch” (From the closed status of “TRANSACTION POOL” task) are functioning well, we need an upgraded server to cater entire huge database and transactions for Main-Net deployment. Thus, we urge everyone (Users/Stakeholders/clients) to re-look and study directly on the code to check on solved ISSUES/BUGS has been updated (more than 75% modified from LISK forked) and can be seen on GitHub as our journey of history on making powerful platform DDK DPOS —

Please note that from the estimated date as at today (22nd Jan 2019) we are going to relaunch however due to the new server structure that we need to upgrade after done implementing “Elasticsearch” mechanism in our Multiplenodes, it will take some time to setting up this server. We hope this new server structure will be done by this week and IF it can be done earlier for this 3rd relaunching, DDK Management is more than happy to announce to you as we all know that entire Stakeholders have been patiently waiting for this relaunching. However, we will always update you on the latest progress and updates in timely manner as at when we achieved the moment of exact date and time of the Main-Net Deployment is ready to launch to the public.

Please be reminded that currently, any IPs link (Test-Net) provided and Sub-Domain Link (Main-Net) will be on server down mode in order for the preparations for Main-Net Deployment.

We apologized for any convenient caused. We will always do our best to deliver to you 100% decentralized platform for entire Stakeholders which may benefit for future forever and ever.

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

“BE The Future By Our Innovation”

Project CEO

Shuhada Zainal

-DDK Management-

Cc to Founders`



DDKoin Official
DDKoin Official

Written by DDKoin Official

DDK DPOS with ready decentralized autonomous community provide you the ease of financial services including exchange and rewards in Blockchain.

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