IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT — DDK MAIN-NET DEPLOYMENT 25/01/2019 — (Malaysia Time: 11:00 am / Ukraine Time: 5:00 am)
Dear Trusted Delegates and Stakeholders,
Please note that yesterday, DDK Management have done the deployment in Main-Net DDK DPOS. There are few things that Trusted Delegates need to aware and educate Stakeholders before DDK Platform being open to public.
1. We are still monitoring the platform since last night and will continue to monitor in timely manner as we have modified this platform more than 70% of LISK core code LOGIC.
2. The current situation and planning is remained with TDs to limit the maximum of 500 users at one time in order to do transaction as now we are using a new upgraded server and still on beta-testing period that needs a continuous thorough monitoring. Every users and Stakeholders must try out to do transactions and any abnormalities occur with your account, kindly give the feedback to your Trusted Delegates. Please use the IP Server Link below to conduct the test (in Test-net platform).
3. Main-Net will be snapshot as per Masternode data on this new upgraded DDK platform LOGIC. Which means your data should be as at 29th December 2018 during the 1st launching of Multiplenodes.
4. There will be inconsistencies in data relating to rewards in Airdrop for Chain Referral distribution and we will continue fixing on it while Main-Net is running.
5. During this period, we encourage you to focus on checking your asset amount that secured in DDK decentralized distributed DPOS platform and voting transaction for you to get your rewards but please control yourself from doing a massive P2P to liquidate or SELL your asset especially when its involve in exchange to fiat (or other cryptos as well) as there will be few times snapshot is going to be happen if you are doing the transactions during unstable DDK Blockchain heights in the platform. This development is ongoing, and users must realize and aware of the risk when you transfer your asset to other parties during this beta-testing period.
For your information since last night deployment, we have concurrently fixed few bugs and re-deployed twice for that fixing. Thus, we have not released the domain link to Stakeholders yet as we are working on some bugs and issues since the morning as feedbacks from DDK Beta Testers side and the DDK Blockchain height must be checking on, and it need to achieve less than 1 minute before we confidently open the platform to Stakeholders. Kindly refer to trello for task updates ( and DDK GitHub on specific ongoing task and resolved issues that we encounter transparently for users monitoring as well (
DDK Management will open the platform to DDK Stakeholders once the platform is 100% stable and it will be informed you through TDs. We hope that all stakeholders could be patient and always keep in touch with Trusted Delegates.
Thank you
Nurshuhada Zainal
Project CEO 😉
25.01.2019–11am Singapore Time