Dear DDKOINERS / Stake’HOLD’lers / Token Holders / Future Stakeholders / Trusted Delegates / SubTrusted Delegates / Future Delegates and Potential Clients,
Based on the last posted announcement on 29th April 2019 — — ongoing monitoring during the Public Holiday (1st May 2019) and through the weekend has been done by the DDK Developers & Auditors team. Therefore, on the 1st week running on BETA MODE there are certain highlights based on the Stakeholders nature of transactions and audited report as below updates which entire Stakeholders MUST aware. This is very important analysis that you need to take into concern before we listing into SIMEX (1st Global Exchanges that accept DDKOIN):-
1. During this Beta Mode period, users is advisable to use laptop / desktop with a Web Layout rather than Mobile Layout. New development of Mobile Layout will be finalized soon.
2. PREORDER sequence transaction that migrated to NEW CORE that caused for the zero (0) amount in Stakeholders Frozen account is fully fixed. Yesterday (6th May 2019) Developers team has done their testing and checking however, if you still encountered any discrepancies, please report directly to DDK Developers to this google docs —
3. There are still ETPS Existing users have not redeemed their Passphrase. Here is the link for you to get that — . If you need to check the status of your account on the migrated list, please search at this link — . In addition, for those who have logged-in with a wrong Passphrase, your Wallet Address in the list will NOT TALLY with the account that you logged-in. You MUST ensure that ‘Migrated Info’ Wallet Address tally with correct PASSPHRASE when you intended to log-in.
4. With regret to inform that there are 74,757 total users still have not redeemed their Passphrase as per link recorded — — ‘Unmigrated Users’. Kindly spread this information and assist to your team, friends, family members, partners or clients near to you to check and redeem the passphrase in order for them to enjoy the benefits that this platform provided. On the other hand, if the redemption of Passphrase is not completed up to 2/2 STEPS for confirmation, your ETPS Username will be parked under the ‘Unmigrated List’. Please be reminded to proceed up to 2/2 confirmation STEP when you redeem your Passphrase.
5. Remember to save your PASSPHRASE in a very secured manner as PASSPHRASE (using the BIP39 mnemonic code — — is the only security that you obtained (as per current development) in order to access your assets in DDK — AEPOS Platform. Kindly be reminded to NOT share to any of your UNTRUSTED person, individual, group of people, or organizations. YOU MUST KEEP YOUR PASSPHRASE ON YOUR OWN. Any sharing basis will be at YOUR OWN RISK and DDK Management unable to retrieve your Passphrase. In order to increase your security of your account, please do the 2ND PASSPHRASE available at the TOP MENU on your right with ONLY 0.01 DDKoin will be deducted as fees. However, you are advisable to share with your Trusted NEXT OF KIN as your asset can be inherited to your family members. Kindly treat this assets as your future valuable assets.
6. Please check and re-check whenever you intended to do any transactions as this platform is the Blockchain Open-Source platform. Thus any WRONG ‘character’ of the Wallet Address numbering with still enable to proceed to SEND / TRANSFER / Peer-To-Peer (P2P) to another account. Thus you need to double check when you do any TRANSACTION especially when you COPY & PASTE the Wallet Address from any Microsoft file that you has saved the Passphrase. There are possibilities of the FORMAT is NOT TALLY when you paste in the column of “RECIPIENT ADDRESS” on the Send DDK User Interface (UI).
7. After making a VOTE transaction please check at the STAKE menu, Latest Stakes Column. Please check and alert on the ‘NEXT VOTE MILESTONE’ (NVM) & ‘VOTE COUNT’ (VC) status. This is very important in order to ensure your Staking Contract keep on moving up to 24th Vote for you account to fully UNSTAKE and you may RESTAKE. The NVM will be running on the following 7 days for your next vote whereby the time stated in your UI is the exact time that you need to follow and you do not need to add the UTC Time. The VC numbering in multiple of four (4) (Such as 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24) reached in order for your account to received the distribution of Staking Reward distributed from the network of AEPOS reducing from the UnMined Allocation.
8. Your VOTE fees will be according to YOUR DDK FROZEN amount at the time of your voting process. Thus IF you are intended to STAKE DDK (NEW) after received Staking Rewards, it will be TOTAL up the amount of fees as YOUR DDK Frozen amount at the time of your voting processed. The tricky part here, you might think it is double deduction of voting fees, however please be reminded that your voting fees will be deducted based on your DDK Frozen amount.
a. Existing DDK Frozen Amount — 100 DDK with 3rd Vote Count on the current Next Vote Milestone — VOTE fees: 100 DDK x 0.01% = 0.01 & YOU RECEIVED 10 DDK Staking Rewards (4th Vote Count)
b. STAKE (NEW) Amount 10 DDK from the Staking Rewards with 1st vote count on the current milestone — Vote fees TOTAL: (100 + 10) x 0.01% = 0.011 TOTAL FEES: 0.01 + 0.011 incurred at 2 different transactions = 0.021
9. Account Rolled back / Reset / Snap-Shot will not be happened if the time you do transactions is when the LATEST BLOCK synchronized up to the latest BLOCK heights and the Time block running is tally with your Laptop / Desktop shown.
Moreover, on the 2nd week of BETA MODE we will be focusing on below optimizations and finalized:
1. Ongoing stabilized Blocks synchronization to the current heights with non-blockage chain running activity
2. Reinstate entire Zerorize users’ Frozen amount on the affected accounts
3. Airdrop Page such as Referral Tree & Referral Rewards will be deployed in stages
4. Trusted Delegates nodes connection and TDs will gradually entered into Active Delegates
5. Sub-Trusted Delegates nodes connection and Sub-TDs gradually entered into Active Delegates
On the other hand, the 3rd week of Main-Net AEPOS released we will work on the Global Exchanges launching and latest integration. Here are the latest Git-hub repositories regarding the Exchanges integration that have been done for Dobi Exchanges — . When these two (2) Exchanges listed DDKOIN, we will proceed with the listing of DDKOIN in Coin Market Cap (CMC). We urge entire DDKOINERS to play your roles on the price mechanism and avoid FUD & FOMO when you open the price in Global Exchanges for BUY & SELL activities. Please be reminded that Crypto players, Traders and Blockchain Enthusiasts is always do research for the NEW POTENTIAL COIN PROJECT similar to our NEW and FRESH LATEST Blockchain enhancements. To reiterate that value / price / rate will be determine by the token holders in the market by itself and please value your assets wisely after about 10 months that we have holding it due to the migration process! 😊
In Summary, on 7th May 2019 DDK Developers will be reloading blocks for you to do transactions and please be reminded to always alert on the above nine (9) analysis which you need to always careful. we really appreciates your support and efforts that entire DDKOINERs has put in, in order to study the knowledge, understanding the process and educate yourself with this new invention.
Thanks. Regards,
DDK Management