Dear DDKOINERS / Stake’HOLD’lers / Token Holders / Future Stakeholders / Trusted Delegates / SubTrusted Delegates / Future Delegates and Potential Clients,
Please refer as below important points to highlight as per current status:
1. 10th May 2019 developers done deployment on the Referral Tree
2. This latest deployment including the Debugging tools development in order to make it auto bugs encounter process for a smooth and fast fixing because our target is for DDKOIN listing to Public Exchanges.
3. Every existing ETPS users are highly encourage to do 2nd PASSPHRASE to increase the security of your account. We can see that low tendency of the ETPS users migrated to DDK platform to do 2nd Passphrase. This is very important because your ETPS (centralized) access have the possibility to be hacked by having your email address and password. Thus, the 2nd passphrase may avoid from those have shared the 1st passphrase to make transactions when you secured with 2nd Passphrase
4. As of today DDK platform Block heights is smooth running without bugs more than 48 hours and without manual Blocks reloading for the users to do transactions.
However, from 10th May 2019 up to 16th May 2019 — we are required about five (5) working days for the process of Debugging and final Beta Mode testing. Therefore, please note that any transactions being done from the latest deployment of block (21129) will be rolled back to this block heights within this 5 days continuously. Once this final deployment is smooth and entire optimization is finalized, we may progressively prepare towards listing DDKOIN in SIMEX and DOBIEXCHANGES.
Below are some important dates:
1. 16th May 2019 will be rolled back transactions after fully tested BETAMODE to the current block (21129) until its fully stable.
2. 10th May 2019–16th May 2019 you may test and make transactions in MAINNET BETAMODE but it will be rolled back for the purpose of high intensity testing.
3. 17th May 2019–24th May 2019 — About a week preparation and engaging for launching DDK (AEPOS) platform with SIMEX and DOBIEXCHANGES team for DDKOIN to be traded in the public exchanges.
4. 27th May 2019–31st May 2019 — DDKOIN Launching in SIMEX and then DOBIEXCHANGES
DDK Management