Dear DDKOINERS / Stake’HOLD’lers / Token Holders / Future Stakeholders / Trusted Delegates / SubTrusted Delegates / Future Delegates and Potential Clients,
Please note that we have come to the stage that we are moving positively with the target for launching our 1st Global Exchangers that will be listed DDKOIN. Due to this preparations based on previous announcement — , this week we are focusing on preparation as below details:
1. Stability of the 11 Master Delegates Servers as below registered name:
e. GFAlliance
f. DDK_Indonesia
g. DDK_Brunei
h. Universal_UFO
j. DDK_Japan
k. DDK_Thailand
2. Trusted Delegates Nodes synchronization and servers monitoring to ensure before listing Simex and DobiExchange every servers installed were stable.
Therefore, due to the last Rollback on 17th May 2019, we encountered issues from our “debugging System”. It detected as below:
1. There are certain Master Delegates were automatically out from the Active delegates listing due to the votes from TD users superseded the ranking for Master Delegates. Please refer below Master Delegates name that affected:
b. DDK_Japan
c. DDK_Thailand
Congratulations with all the users who continuously giving 100% full support towards TD to caste votes that already in the Active Delegates, however we need to ensure Master Delegates will remain in Active Delegates until we reached 100% stability of the platform. Otherwise, forging process unable to proceed. Thus the solution for this issue, USERS PLEASE VOTE FOR THE ABOVE MENTIONED 3 MASTER DELEGATES & BRING THEM BACK TO THE ACTIVE DELEGATES RANKING.
As this is a Blockchain decentralized platform, we need to do it according to the process because TD nodes have yet to be synced. We cannot make it from Developer side and copy & paste the delegates Up to the Active Delegates ranking. Therefore, once the stability is done with the Master Delegates and forging process continously, TD nodes will be synced automatically and this can be initiated by the developers. When we reached towards that phase, GE will be launched. So far we are still positive with the existing timeline given.
2. There are certain migrated users’ account were affected towards irresponsible and unknown people / person / groups that able to retrieved the centralized details that were mapped from back-end on redeem / obtaining the Passphrase process which consequently makes that details possible for the irresponsible people to retrieved the 1st Passphrase from back-end. Therefore the solution for this 0.1% users’ assets and account affected, please and COMPULSORY TO DO YOUR 2ND PASSPHRASE SOONEST POSSIBLE TO SECURE YOUR FROZEN ACCOUNT & WALLET BALANCE. We will put this below link on viewing purposes only and there will be no additional users may redeemed / obtained their Passphrase at this moment — , as we are focusing on the target for listing DDK platform in Global Exchanger SIMEX. In fact, the fees for creating 2nd Passphrase also has been reduced since the Multiplenodes period from 0.1 DDK to 0.01 DDK to encourage you to do the 2nd Passphrase. And we are glad that this issues happen during the BETA-MAINNET period as we are still able to rectify successfully to avoid from such cases happen in future. However, the passphrase is under the user custody, any lost and misplaced of any of the passphrase in future is at your own risk.
Due to that issues and scenarios, we will release back the blocks at the 18142 block heights for users to do transactions and users must do these Five (5) important alerts as below:’
1. Migrated account from ETPS that have obtained / redeemed 1st Passphrase please do the 2nd Passphrase.
2. Please vote for 3 Master Delegates as mentioned above to ensure their ranking in the Active Delegates to continue forging steadily.
3. Please make sure entire 11 Master Delegates remain as in the Active Delegates ranking as we need those 11 servers forging continuously.
4. We must stick together as a strong community to focus on the listing progress and process as planned which in the final WEEK of May, therefore kindly do not attend with any FUD & FOMO as your assets is valuable for the listing to be materialized.
5. There will be re-open Mainnet (BETA) for Developers testing for few hours and will be rollback on the same day (24th May 2019) — During BETA logo still in UI please do not make any transactions except for Developers.
Appreciates your highest cooperation and Apologized for any inconveniences.
DDK Management