Our website just got a brand-new design

Hi Everyone,

Our website just got a brand-new design and it’s user-friendly, engaging, and fun.

The revamp includes some modernization on the design part that has made everything more organized and self-explanatory.

New features in DDK Website:

1. Live Price DDK

2. Blog in Malay (https://bloginmalay.ddkoin.com/)

3. Delegates can register by themselves on the DDK website (https://ddkoin.com/delegates/list)

4. New design for the DDK Merchant page

5. All links are rearranged in quick links on the lower section of the website.

You can view and use our new website here: www.ddkoin.com

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Visit DDK Website: http://tiny.cc/rddi8y

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DDK DPOS with ready decentralized autonomous community provide you the ease of financial services including exchange and rewards in Blockchain. www.ddkoin.com